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Magpupungko Tidal Lagoons

Siargao Island,Philippines


Crystal clear water, best waves, happy place, I think that’s the best definition for this place. How can I say this uhmm I always lost a word every time I am visiting a kind of place like this, because no amount of such word can describe the feeling when you are yourself is in the place.

I feel like I am not in the Philippines specially when the big waves hit the rocks near the pool, you can only say “is this for real?” every time I remember when I was in Magpupungko it is always feel like a magic. I love that feeling.

The best time to visit Magpupungko is when it’s low tide so you will feel more the vibes and also you can see the clearness, crystal clear of the water specially in the pool. Best to check it first the tidal chart before you visit the place.


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